Jumat, 01 November 2019

"Safe Gold Coin" = SGC.

Welcome to the SGC project, (Secure Gold Coins).

Hello loyal readers of the Blogger.com forum. In our meeting today, I will discuss a project that will combine transparency, security and eternity on Blockchain Technology with the gold standard.

This project will seek to introduce trust, fair exchange, and revolutionary value for the world of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency and the wider global financial market.

In short the SGC Project is the name of Security, Stability and Use for all its users!

About the SGC Project.

Secured Gold Coin, (SGC) is a hybrid coin that is supported by 60 percent of gold, is fully decentralized, is free from entity manipulation, and has many utilities.

SGC coins are specifically made for global use with a virtual wallet that eliminates the need to carry physical cash. It is safe, stable, and can be used for all types of crypto users without fear of rapidly declining coin prices.

With the ability to spend, receive and invest SGC coins with your current SGC Pay Debit Card, SGC coins are proven to be the safest and most reliable cryptocurrency available.

This revolves around empowering people with proactive digital currency cleansing that sweeps through hundreds of cryptos that fail to provide decentralization, stability, security, transparency, and usability.

Equality is one of the core values ​​at SGC, which will make it equally useful for all; regardless of their demographic characteristics or interests. From everyday users to corporate users to hedge fund users, and gold bullion lovers around the world.

The SGC project is a complete package.

Guaranteed with physical insurance of actual gold bars that are stored in one of the safest and most reliable locations and is bound by the SGC Debit Card, 60% cryptocurrency supported by gold. The SGC project will offer the highest stability, security and usability, which will make it the optimal cryptocurrency in the world, operate on demand and the principle of fair supply, and advocate financial freedom for millions of users.

The SGC project has envisioned a world with a healthy and fair financial system that is free of manipulation, based on sophisticated Blockchain Technology and using highly stable cryptocurrency supported by stable assets that significantly resolve the volatility problem in the cryptocurrency domain.

The Secure Gold Coin Community can now utilize the Secure Gold Coin Market to directly sell and buy Secure Gold Coins, as well as huge costs.

As for the secured gold coins, gold is undergoing a dangerous change of function. Not only as a funding channel, but can be used as a means of payment.

This is without a doubt the welcome news for everyone, especially for gold lovers. This is a podium that makes buying or selling gold coins safe without hassle.

By using the podium in the safe gold coin market, when customers worry about finding or selling safe gold coins, they only need to fill out forms on the website, and when they finish filling out the forms, their machine will start to cheat. After completing all the exchange procedures, new safe gold coins will be produced.

The reason for this podium on the market is the acceleration of every transaction system for direct purchase of secured gold coins, eliminating the need to go through every complex step, making it very simple and effective.

The great aim of the SGC Project.

It is to change markets around the world by giving universally decentralized digital money to all clients. Simultaneously, our vision is to serve a worldwide network by encouraging sensible markets based on real demand and supply.

Simultaneously, our vision is to serve a worldwide network by encouraging sensible markets based on genuine interests and supplies. As of April 2020, Secured Gold Coin Pty Limited is estimated to have at least 250,000 clients in the world market. This client base is relied on to rise to 500,000 by December 2020.

Resource-sponsored coins, for example, Safe Gold Coins, (SGC) fundamentally overcome the astonishing problem of misfortune by supporting digital money with gold to ensure that the estimated cash does not fall until the estimated benefits fall.

What's more, when you realize that gold is really stable as far as costs, so what can be superior to any form of digital money that is supported by a very large level of gold. The journey of progress does not stop here, but has now built money from crosses that not only handle the problem of uncertainty but also solve the problem of ease of use.

Benefit from SGC Blockchain-based programming contracts, (brilliant agreements) empowering SGC coins to be decentralized, secure, and easy for all clients.

Initially SGC will use standard computerized coins that can be replaced for digital currencies and fiat banknotes. SGC holders will be able to buy and sell their coins after official posting on open digital money trading.


All SGC coin clients are eligible to use their coins to make installments or settlements, to sell their coins in digital money trading advertisements or to exchange SGC coins of any size.

This is for regular clients, regardless of their social status, and can be used for various purposes of daily training for business purposes without fear of political or financial security.

The SGC project is a profitable progress to overcome the problem of variance and difficulties associated with crypto. This is to make it very useful and stable for the benefit of things to come.

Secured Gold Coin Pty Limited provides several benefits for its clients. SGC has created SGC wallets for several stages, namely the SGC work area wallet, (Windows, Linux, MAC), SGC web wallet, SGC Mobile wallet (Android, iOS), each of which allows clients a simpler method of sending and get SGC Coins.

Clients can use SGC coins for exchange, to obtain goods, and to move coins from one part of the world to the next by utilizing SGC wallets.

What's more, clients can also use SGC PAY : installment techniques offered by Secured Gold Coin Pty Limited, by empowering the merging of the SGC PAY Debit Card.

This builds on the ease of use of SGC coins because clients can use them to make daily payments using the SGC PAY Debit Card.

Conclusion. (Part quality and quantity).

To be able to reach a bigger market - both cryptocurrency and gold investors, Safe Gold Coins is needed as a platform to use the services of digital marketers and influencers to drive traffic to their social media channels while creating attractive online communities.

Displaying platforms in leading media publications such as Forbes, Yahoo Finance, CCN, CoinTelegraph, Investing.com, and Hackernoon which have a large reader base can prove invaluable in bringing Safe Gold Coins to the attention of potential investors. Also, the inclusion of community activities that are more directed at incentives aimed at increasing the online presence of Safe Gold Coins will serve to further enhance the project's online visibility.

Realizing that all the big things take time, I believe that in the nearest future, Safe Gold Coins will be one of the most preferred ways to invest in a highly liquid and profitable gold market, and as an investor, I will always try to use a more transparent platform dedicated to enhancing their brand through partnerships, security audits, and regular community updates.

I also need to be able to take the time to explain the differences so that people who are interested in investing in gold through cryptocurrency realize that even though a platform similar to Safe Gold Coins exists, Safe Gold Coins offers many advantages over alternatives.

If you are interested in joining, or you want to know all the latest developments from this SGC project, you can look through some of the links that I have provided below :
About me as a writer :

Kamis, 31 Oktober 2019

CANNACOR - Collaborates with Blockchain Technology to Change the Entire Process of Marijuana Leaf Cultivation.

Welcome to the Cannacor Project!

Hasil gambar untuk BOUNTY Cannacor

Hello dear friend of readers at the Blogger.com forum. In this meeting I will discuss a project that will work as a decentralized platform that adopts pure genetic production, cannabis purification with the corporation Cryptocurrency Blockchain for the use of cannabis in health care and the development of medicines for disease prevention and pandemic.

This project is called Cannacor. Well for more details about all developments of this project, let's follow my notes below.

Introduction to the Cannacor project.

Cannabis as seen globally is considered a restricted area for human use. This platform is basically a shift from the norm. It chose to establish marijuana as a health care product in the right perspective and application for healing, prevention and general care of patients.

This was chosen also to be achieved through the use of the Blockchain cryptocurrency application, the use of the Etheruem ERC-20 smart contract paradigm. This explicitly validates the platform's focal point and also the monetary value which will be very attractive to users.

Marijuana has a very bad reputation, especially in health matters.

Use of marijuana in inappropriate amounts and carelessly can indeed cause many health problems. For example, addiction, anxiety, or brain damage associated with memory.

One study even found that the risk of heart attack increased within one hour after someone smoked cannabis. Even so, it seems unfair to see marijuana based only on the adverse effects it causes.

Marijuana also has a good side and can be used in terms of health if used properly.

The Cannacor Project and Blockchain Corporation have been involved in collaboration to position themselves as a global leader in the research, planting, processing and distribution of cannabis, and the application of Blockchain Technology to the needs of the cannabis life cycle and supply chain management.

The Cannacor project aspires to lead, legitimize and define the future of the industry by building the most trusted Blockchain-based cannabis company in the world.

This effort includes the establishment of a unique aquaculture and aquaponics production facility in Lesotho to supply the global market. This document gives a breakdown of the contributions of both parties to this effort including the Initial Coin Offer, (ICO) and how this will impact their operations.

Vision and Mission of the Cannacor Project.

The Cannacor project is a leader in the development of cannabis therapy in Lesotho. Our center is to support a generation office that can support and grow our leadership with factories that support aquaponics while gathering all the support of our administrative work with Blockchain innovation to support alignment, unchanging and true achievement.

The Cannacor project works every day with a group of experienced scientists, block developers, pharmacists and engineers to improve our company by researching and supplying high-quality cannabis products that are natural around it.

Regarding Blockchain Corporation.

Blockchain Corporation forces are committed to solving problems in the medical marijuana industry and providing a foundation for the adoption of real-life Blockchain technology to ensure consistent growth in excellent quality and quantity results.

It aims to optimize the life cycle of cannabis culture and provide point-to-point supply chain solutions to improve the ability to order products.

Platform Cannacor Blockchain is a unique platform designed to accommodate the right framework for the production of medical products from Cannabis.

You can see six features in the Cannacor project below :

1. Supply Chain Management.

The Cannacor platform is designed within the framework of the supply chain management process. This will ensure proper management, planning, analysis and also the achievement of the objectives of the project objectives, objectives and timetable.

2. Structure.

Decentralized The Cannacor platform is designed in a decentralized way, making it easier for users to explore and check for updates wherever they are, a geographical reference point. This validates, in addition, the functional essence is not the central system. Furthermore, this platform uses the Etheruem ERC-20 structure, which allows it to be more flexible for exchange in the cryptocurrency market.

3. Production and Aquaculture Management.

The Cannacor platform can be objectively successful through the production and cultivation management process. Basically this is what is meant by the platform. This is a model, which the team created for the right documentation and the right team management, as well as the process of validating the production and cultivation system. In addition, this enhances and establishes norms where users can better understand how marijuana cultivation is carried out, how it is processed, packaged and also used as a supplement for users. In essence, this platform uses anagram Blockchain for cryptocurrency funding and therefore makes it very reliable for users. In addition, the platform coordinates the entire process through this model. This is basically what it represents on the global front for users.

4. Analysis of the Analysis Process.

The process on the Cannacor project from the platform is unique designed to enhance the prospect's process model for achieving effective and efficient benefits or can be achieved by users. This, the team considers as the focus of the paradigm to achieve the benefits of the platform in general.

5. Can.

The measurability of the Cannacor project can hold billions of operations simultaneously and can also function without general freezes. This is a unique relevance and framework for making the platform more reliable and reliable for users.

6. Regulatory and Compliance Management.

The Cannacor project has a design framework for regulatory management and cannabis compliance for its production, packaging and much more.

Cannacor Coins are ERC20 coins made on Ethereum Blockchain.

The Cannacor project was decided to use Ethereum because it was already adopted by the masses and allowed Cannacor coins to participate in mainstream activities.

Ethereum is a fast, decentralized and unchanging Blockchain. Cannacor will strive to achieve mass adoption in the medical cannabis sector by offering solutions that address problems related to cross-border transactions. We aim to offer solutions due to lack of banking services and payment for the legal business.

Coin details on the Cannacor project.

Cannacor Coins are ERC20 which is based on Ethereum Blockchain. ERC20 is the official protocol for proposing improvements to the Ethereum (ETH) network and can be understood as a standard for coins made on the Ethereum Blockchain.

The ERC20 coin standard makes it easy to exchange one ERC20 coin with another, and to integrate various ERC20 coins into platforms such as wallets and Blockchain exchanges, and others.

Token Info on the Cannacor project.
  • Ticker = CANO
  • Platform = Ethereum
  • Token Type = ERC-20
  • Finance
  • Pre-sale price = 1 CANO = 0.06 USD
  • IEO Price = 1 CANO = 0.12 USD
  • Receive = ETH, BTC, XRP
  • Soft Cover = 1,500,000 USD
  • Hard Cover = 112,300,000 USD
Coin Allocation.
  • 78% = Coin Sales.
  • 07% = CannaCor Team.
  • 07% = The Blockchain Corp. team
  • 05% = Strategic Partnership.
  • 03% = Distribution of Bounty & Airdrop Funds.
Funds Distribution.
  • 30% = Planting.
  • 30% = Technology & Core.
  • 08% = Marketing & Business.
  • 05% = Admin.
  • 12% = Liquidity on the Exchange.
  • 05% = Legal.
  • 05% = Exchange Rate Registration Fee.
  • 05% = Commission & Fees.

Quarter, 4, 2018.
  • Research and brainstorming sessions begin to build solutions that are most likely to grow medical marijuana.
  • The latest technology is researched to build Cannacor cryptocurrency.
  • Various Blockchain Technologies are researched to manage medical cannabis life cycle cultivation and supply chain management systems.
  • Strategic alliances were formed with Blockchain developers, tenants and pioneers in the cannabis industry.
  • Company established in Lesotho, South Africa, to operate the following business activities.
  • Growth of medicinal plants and pharmaceutical sales of wholesale or retail pharmaceutical and medical goods.
Quarter, 2019.
  • 50,000 agricultural land acquired in Lesotho, South Africa, for medical cannabis cultivation.
  • Environmental Impact Analysis (AMDAL) is curated and submitted
  • The license application is submitted to the Drug Control Authority in Lesotho for get :
  • Authorization for export and import of medical cannabis.
  • Authorization to produce medical cannabis products.

Quarter, II, 2019.
  • Appointed Appointed as a block developer and ICO marketing team
  • Green paper development.
  • Design of cannabis cultivation plants.
Quarter, III, 2019.
  • Cannacor medical cannabis medical permit is approved.
  • New website design / landing page.
  • Development of user and wallet administration panels.
  • Greenpaper is updated and a new company identity is entered.
  • The Pre-ICO Round begins September 11, 2019 and ends on December 15, 2019.
Quarter, 4, 2019.
  • Launch Launch ICO December 16 2019 and ends March 31, 2020.
  • The design of the cultivation plant, testing laboratory and packaging plant is complete.
  • Construction of cultivation facilities.
  • Development of the Blockchain and Hyperledger Fabric application, combining QR code labeling, product traceability, drug authentication, production life cycle management applications and supply chains.
  • New wallet and website release.
QUARTER, 2020.
  • Cannacor BETA testing application.
  • Marijuana plants were first planted.
  • Integration of production cycle applications.
Quarter, II, 2020.
  • First Harvest, integration of supply chain applications and the first coin repurchase.
The team succeeded on the Cannacor project.

Hasil gambar untuk cannacor bounty


The best goal of the Cannacor project is to build its own aquaponics development and generation office for medicinal cannabis at the organization's location in Lesotho.

This will empower organizations to meet growing needs in world markets with rare creation limits and become a perceived provider for world markets that do not have or limit generational limits.

If you are interested in joining this project, or you want to more clearly know all the latest developments from this Cannacor project, you can see some of the links that I have provided for you to see below :
About me as a writer :

Selasa, 23 Juli 2019


Welcome to the INVECH project.

Hasil gambar untuk invech

Hello my best friend wherever you are now. In this Blogger forum, I will explain a future project that aims to improve living standards using Blockchain technology, which in turn results in the creation of a stable and large-developing digital economy.

This project is called INVECH. Okay, for more details, follow all my notes below.

The basis of the INVECH project is INVECH cryptocurrency exchange, and this exchange is fully licensed and approved by the government of Timor Leste. Exchange has its own tokens that are made in accordance with the ERC20 standard. The INVECH company hopes to become a reliable support for the country to strengthen and change the economic situation, in addition, to create a Blockchain state that is educated and technically competent, and bring development to the postwar country.

About the INVECH Project.

INVECH Cryptocurrency Exchange is an exchange of cryptocurrency pioneered by INVECH Group. We have our own platform token called INVECH Coin, or IV that runs on the ERC20 platform. Licensed and authorized directly from the Government of Timor Leste, our licenses cover the entire framework of the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, including cryptocurrency exchanges, ICOs, mining mining, Blockchain solutions, and others. (This is also the first Blockchain / Cryptocurrency service that came out of Timor Leste).

This INVECH project will produce a holistic approach to the development of crypto currency exchanges. First of all, it will be safe, comfortable, multilingual and accessible to international users. Optimal orders will be provided for sellers and buyers with the best prices available.

Multi currency wallet for storage will be provided. All cryptocurrency will be automatically protected by cold storage. The complete book order provides the required liquidity. To ensure effective interaction between cryptocurrency and fiat money, innovative and user-friendly software has been developed.

Multilingual software interface. Importantly, there is support for working with fiat funds and the withdrawal system will be considered in the near future. IVtoken will be the main token that will be used by the INVECH platform.

The IV Token will work not only in the exchange of crypto currencies, but also in companies that have received the appropriate licenses. The token will work on Ethereum Blockchain on the ERC20 platform. The number of tokens created will not increase. The main trading pairs are BTC, ETH, USDT. Over time, new cryptocurrency will be added from among the strongest in terms of capitalization.

Seven Missions from the INVECH Project.

  • 1. To introduce alternative currencies through the creation of INVECH Tokens.
  • 2. Bringing foreign direct investment & reducing unemployment.
  • 3. Manage crowdfunding through a controlled process.
  • 4. To fully give tokensize tourism and agriculture in Timor Leste.
  • 5. Increasing human capital and the ability of the East Timorese local community.
  • 6. To provide advice and consultation to the government about matters related to Blockchain and technology.
  • 7. To provide education and training to improve livelihoods.


We will take a holistic approach to managing our cryptocurrency exchanges. As such, it provides a safe, secure, multilingual and user-friendly environment for all users internationally.

Six Exchange Features.

  • 1. Provide suitable orders between buyers and sellers with the best prices available
  • 2. Supports many currency wallets, allowing centralized and easy implementation of several different ones
  • cryptocurrency. All cryptocurrency will be automatically secured through multi-signature cold storage that allows
  • security and prevent external access.
  • 3. Complete order book that provides the liquidity needed to instantly buy and sell digital currencies with tight spreads.
  • 4. All cryptocurrency funds will be managed automatically by our integrated wallet software. All funds are included
  • cryptocurrency and fiat, (which will be applied accordingly).
  • 5. We will support but not be limited to: English, Chinese, Indonesian, Portuguese, Japanese and Korean on all our users interface. (The earliest releases will only be in English, Chinese, and Indonesian, Portuguese.) More languages ​​are added over time.
  • 6. The INVECH project will also implement the installation and withdrawal of FIAT - Crypto in the near future. (We aim for USD, HKD and IDR).

Initial Exchange Offering, (IEO).

We will start the IEO where Tokens will be sold directly through our exchanges ONLY. Benefits of owning or holding IV tokens :

• Multi-Platform = INVECH Token will be used on all Invech Group business platforms.
• Exchange Discounts = Get up to 60% discounts on transaction fees when trading with IV Tokens.
• Peer-to-Peer Payments = Ability to use it as P2P payments for businesses and individuals. Mobile wallet will be released.
• Early Bird Discounts = IEO Participants can have an IV Token at a discounted price and enjoy token appreciation after completing the IEO.
• Crypto-Fiat = Platform for converting IV Tokens to Fiat will be launched in 2019.
• Recognized = IV Tokens are recognized as legitimate crypto currencies by the Indonesian government of East Timor.
• To be widely accepted = Aiming to become the main payment method for Timor Leste = Blockchain Smart City.
• Low Risk Investment = INVECH is a licensed entity from the Government of Timor Leste to conduct and regulate crypto related businesses.

IEO Sales.

  • 175,000,000 IV will be open to the public.
  • The IEO will run for 60 days starting from November 1, 2018.
  • Phase 1–30 days : 75,000,000 IV @ 20% discount. Locked for 6 months.
  • Phase 2–30 days : 100,000,000 IV @ 10% discount. Locked for 9 months.
  • IV Tokens that are not sold at the IEO will be given to Timor Leste.
  • Invech Foundation with a 3-year vesting period.
  • Soft Cap : 75,000,000 IV Tokens, (USD 24,000,000).
  • Hard Cap : 175,000,000 IV Tokens, (USD 60,000,000).
  • Pricing at IEO Phase 1 : US $ 0.32 (after 20% discount).
  • Phase 2 : US $ 0.36 (after 10% discount).

Token Allocation :

  • Post IEO Reserve : 30.00%
  • IEO Phase 1 : 15.00%
  • IEO Phase 2 : 20.00%
  • Bounty and Airdrop : 5.00%
  • Founding Team : 20.00%
  • INVECH Foundation : 10.00%

Fund Distribution :

  • Security : 10.00%
  • Development, Maintenance, Recrultment, and Tranning: 30.00%
  • Reserve : 30.00%
  • Branding, and Marketing : 30.00%

  • 1. 30% of the funds will be used to build the INVECH platform and make improvements to the system, which includes team recruitment, training and development budgets.
  • 2. 30% will be used for INVECH branding and marketing, including ongoing promotion and education of INVECH and Blockchain innovations in industrial media. Adequate budget for various advertising activities, to help INVECH become popular among investors, and to attract active users to the platform.
  • 3. 30% will be saved as a backup to deal with emergencies or unexpected situations that may arise.
  • 4. Security 10% for conducting security reviews, audits, and scheduled and periodic risk management to cover technical and business vulnerability processes.

Register for INVECH Crryptocurrency Exchange.

If you have coins / tokens that you want to register at INVECH.io later, participating in our IEO (Initial Exchange Offers) will help.

At present, we encourage ICO to want to register with us to reach us directly because ICO is different in different terms. However, we will thoroughly screen all ICOs before registering with us according to our SOP list.

If you are interested in joining this INVECH project, or you want to see all the latest developments in this INVECH project, you can see through all the links that I have provided below :

About me as a writer at the INVECH Project :

Selasa, 02 Juli 2019

AQuest Project - Unique Decentralized Application that Pays You to Complete Specific Tasks.

Hello reader, friend on the Golos.io forum. In this meeting, I will discuss a project developed by Enkronos, this is a unique and decentralized application that will pay you for certain tasks.

This project is named AQUEST! Okay, for more details, follow all my notes below.

The main objective of the aQuest project was to adopt AQU as a (internal fuel), creating aQuest public platform based on Blockchain Technology. Appendix aQuest helps people make searches with innovative and intuitive cloud-based tools.

These tools are available from all devices. Therefore, managing and making searches is simple and can be done from anywhere. All searches are integrated with the Encryption application and help create user groups. Quests are a great way to help create groups of users in the Encryption application, while you can create user interaction with your brand.

aQuest offers its makers to make promotional efforts that pay attention to the remuneration of their participants. The trip participant must complete a business so that he met the requirements for the installment prize before completing a task.

Tasks are digital activities that are confirmed that the client must solve them in order to be effectively interested in the mission, such as :

  • Enronron Application Reconciliation.
  • Automatic site.
  • aQuest can do anything.
  • Secure.
  • Can be accessed.
  • Mobile first.

AQuest, (AQU) Token.

This token service is used for operations on the aQuest platform. AQU tokens can be converted to their original state and use of the ENK tokens, a service used for operations token on the "Enkronos Apps platform", which is integrated with aQuest.

AQU, (and ENK) will be the only way to use the aQuest platform. Depending on the consumption of resources, the platform for storage and requests, aQuest wallet will update the available AQU balance.

aQuest is the type to capture the needs of payments in the Gig and Freelance Economy sectors. The latest McKinsey report, "Independent Work: Choice, Needs and Economy", shows that up to 162 million people in Europe and the United States, or 20 to 30 percent of the working age population, are involved in some form of independent work. Then aQuest can solve unresolved problems to facilitate a very important and growing work sector, potentially intercepting a large number of businesses.

An important part of the QUEST platform is how to use the mechanism of supply and demand. This will be used on the Crowdholding platform, but in the future they will not be limited to the platform.

AQU will be the token used on the aQuest platform. This token will be a token on the Blockchain Ethereum, following the standard ERC20 tokens. For the actual implementation of tokens, AQU Enronron has developed a smart contract that will be publicly available on Github before the Tokensale phase begins. There will be no changes in the contract, so that AQU tokens can fully trust.

  • Name of Token : AQU
  • Pre -ico price : E003 0.003
  • Price of ICO : 0.006 ETH
  • Platform : Ethereum
  • Softcap : 1 million dollars
  • Hardcap : 39 million dollars
  • Previous ICO : 2019-01-24 - 2019-02-21
  • ICO : 2019-02-25 - 2019-04-09

The aQuest development team includes the most skilled IT members, marketing, application development, business, management, human resource management, communication, Blockchain. With years of experience in the areas where they are active. Together with experienced advisors, the development team is ready to provide the perfect platform for the global market.

As expected, aQuest will expand the scope of its operations outside the world. I believe that with potential, transparency, security and benefits, we will have a strong reputation in the market and general crypto in particular.

Personally, I rate this project very high! With prices that are highly profitable, which is a very profitable sign for investors to buy these codes in the early days of ICO, prices are still cheap.

aQuest Tokens, which carry relatively large discounts on transactions. If you are interested, or you want to see all the latest projects, you can see all of the links below :

About me as a writer :

Jumat, 17 Mei 2019

CyberMiles - Empowering the Decentralization of Online Marketplaces.

Welcome to the CYBERMILES Project!

Hasil gambar untuk bounty cybermiles

Hello readers on the Blogger.com forum. In this meeting I will discuss a future project that aims to make the e-commerce industry easier to use block chain technology, and to facilitate buyers and sellers with technical difficulties to use block-chain technology. (We will Design and Develop).

This project is called CyberMiles! Well, to be clearer about all the procedures for working on this project, let's follow all my notes below.

The beginning of the word about the journey of the CyberMiles Project.

This project has actually been running about 1 or 2 years ago, and this project is already running and has very valuable tokens that you can even find on "Big Exchange!" as :

  • Binance.
  • Okex.
  • Digifinex.

But now there is something different about this project, because I will discuss this project because CyberMiles is celebrating with 5Miles migrating data to its Blockchain.

About the CyberMiles Project.

CyberMiles is a Blockchain Technology developed by 5xlab, a Blockchain development laboratory. 5xlab works closely with 5miles, 5miles is expected to be the main platform for utilizing the Blockchain CyberMiles protocol, and can also help 5xlab to develop its technology. Over the past three years the leading innovation in the online & original market, 5miles has accumulated the technical and industrial personnel needed to customize the Blockchain Technology, and smart contracts for real-world applications.

5xlab seeks to use this experience to develop CyberMiles, with target trust and compliance. this can modify it to Blockchain Technology for real-world business.

The CyberMiles Foundation, in collaboration with 5miles LLC, aims to develop the next generation Blockchain that is optimized for E-commerce and designed for mainstream adoption.

This project specializes in E-commerce and online markets, CyberMiles can integrate the latest Blockchain innovations to power smart business contracts on Blockchain that are very effective, and resolve latency issues associated with existing Blockchain and general use.

Its utility token, CyberMiles Token, is planned to fund, and empower new E-commerce applications. During network development, the CyberMiles Foundation will assist in the governance of suburban platforms, with strong involvement by system members.

They say their vision for the long term might be to create a public network that has safe and reliable business services for its members, and its users. 5miles plans to gradually migrate the sellers and consumers. In other words, the 5miles platform marketplace will be one in all the main environments to utilize the network as a backend service and start the ecosystem.

After the network reaches critical mass, the effect of its own network, reinforced by the incentives provided by the CyberMiles Token, is expected to be applied to partner platforms and other markets, encouraging the development of CyberMiles as the market-leading Blockchain protocol. for commercial and market applications.

See also the video below, so you can see the procedure for working on this CyberMiles project in work :

Blockchain E-commerce CyberMiles, Opens a New Era of Decentralized E-commerce.

Despite clear demand, it is difficult for traditional E-commerce websites to accept cryptocurrency payments. Traditional payment processing companies support one or two mainstream cryptocurrency and require high fees to convert into and out of fiat currencies. The user experience of cryptocurrency payments is also bad for consumers, making them uncompetitive towards traditional payment methods such as credit cards.

CyberMiles Token.

CyberMiles, (CMT) are cryptocurrency tokens issued on the Ethereum platform. Today's CMT price is $ 0.03587 with a 24-hour trading volume of $ 5,434,605. CMT has an outstanding supply of 800 million coins and a maximum inventory of 1 billion coins.

  • Symbol : CMT
  • Type : E-commerce Block Chain
  • Location : Hong Kong
  • Total problem volume : 1 billion
  • Distribution : Around 765 million
  • Market capitalization : Approx. 80
  • Agreement algorithm : DPoS
  • Launch of the main net : October 15, 2018

CyberMiles Ecosystem.

After CyberMiles is implemented, we will continue the transaction with CyberMiles Token (CMT). CyberMiles wants to complete e-commerce monopoly online. So I put the master node function in CMT. If you save coins in Cyber ​​Miles, you have the authority as the master node. You will be able to be involved in the operation of Cyber ​​Miles. CMT is not a virtual money point for simple payments. As compensation for all actions that occur within an online shopping center, the CMT function will be expanded. This will be done one by one with the decision of the CMT master node.

Blockchain CyberMiles Optimized and Stable Coin Transactions.

CyberMiles Validator guarantees a transparent and valid cross deposit and coin exchange. The CyberMiles virtual machine supports the needs needed for E-commerce scale payment solutions based on smart coin smart contracts.

Benefits of CMT Smart Technology.

CyberMiles has built a smart contract template library for e-commerce applications in addition to coin transaction speeds, Virtual CyberMiles machines enable Smart Contracts to be calculated at speeds optimized for business needs. Blockchain has created a perfect combination of scalability, decentralization and security. In addition, CyberMiles has implemented a pre-defense and post-recovery mechanism as additional protection on its Blockchain.

CyberMiles eliminates transaction costs for the most common operations. This is obtained without sacrificing network security at all.

CyberMiles has built a very special solution for E-commerce companies to easily spread their business on the Blockchain. CyberMiles payment gateway is a SaaS service offered by our partners. It can be embedded into any E-commerce website to receive customer payments seamlessly in almost all cryptocurrency on the market today, including payments in stable coins pegged in USD.

CyberMiles accepts all popular cryptocurrency, including BTC, ETH, CMT, and almost all ERC20 tokens. Receive stable coins pegged to USD and other fiat currencies, such as USDT and GUSD. A smooth and transparent user experience. CyberMiles is committed to breaking network effects and reinventing E-commerce where the winner-take-all-concept has no place. To make it happen, CyberMiles have created a Blockchain that allows decentralized networks.

The actor benefits from a more equitable profit distribution such as :

  • Goods become cheaper for buyers.
  • Sellers get lower costs.
  • Business becomes easier and faster.

If you are interested in joining us, or you want to see more clearly all the latest developments from the CyberMiles project, you can see directly through the links below :

DAYTA - Data Platform Based on Future Decorations.

Welcome to the DAYTA Project!

Hello readers on the Blogger.com forum. In this meeting I will discuss a future project that will work to help all data users to be able to manage, store and also share access to users' personal data and information so that users get more profit.

This project is called DAYTA, which collaborates with Blockchain Technology. Well, to be more aware of all the work procedures of this project in work, let's follow all of my notes below.

About the DAYTA Project.

The DAYTA project is the first project for the future of exchanging personal data, which has been supported by the DAYTA token. The vision and mission of the DAYTA Project is to solve various data protection, approval and privacy issues simultaneously. The Team has designed a roadmap to build secure, easy to use, and strong personal information, Dapp, and exchange mechanisms in an integrated digital ecosystem.

See also the video below, to be able to see the procedure for working this DAYTA project in work :

The Big Goals of the DAYTA Project.

To ensure all participants from the company to users can protect and profit from integrated personal Blockchain information that will ensure efficient data auditing and transparent contracts and agreements that are transparent.

It is observed that most data companies always share user data and get money from it even without the consent of the actual data owner. The most painful part is that after the company sells their user data to several other companies, they fail to pay the actual data owner because users and customers are often angry with this.

If users and customers gain control of their data, it will be very easy for them to track their account details and know when their data is accessed and sold on a centralized platform. This is the reason why centralized platforms struggle with issues of trust and transparency. They know that when they give full access to customers and data owners on their centralized platforms it is the end of their game and that is why they revoke access to user data.

All the difficulties experienced by users have been identified by the DAYTA platform and that is why they have launched a decentralized Blockchain based platform that gives users access and full control over their data. The advantage of the DAYTA platform is that users can decide whenever they want to sell or not their data or not. User data is one of the greatest assets of human life and customers will not be easy with any company that sells their data without their consent.

ICO Sales.

DAYTA Tokens will be available before public sales for registered participants. The bonus will apply to initial contributors at various% depending on date and amount. Private investors can negotiate bigger bonuses on a case-by-case basis.

Token details on the DAYTA project.

  • Token name = DAYTA
  • Type of Token = ERC20
  • Supply of tokens for sale = 1,500,000,000 DAYTA
  • Pre-ICO Sales Date = 1 / May / 2019
  • ICO public sales = 11 / May / 2019
  • Payment Method = ETH, BTC, LTC, DASH

Token Distribution.

  • 30% = Allocated to Pre-ICO.
  • 30% = Allocated to ICO.
  • 20% = Allocated to the Core Team and Advisor.
  • 10% = Allocated for Partnerships.
  • 5% = Allocated to Bounty.

Fund Distribution.

  • 50% = Allocated for Engineering.
  • 15% = Allocated for Operations.
  • 15% = Allocated for Marketing.
  • 10% = Allocated for Business.
  • 5% = Allocated to Law.
  • 5% = Allocated for Security.


October, 2018.

  • Whitepaper publication.

December, 2018.

  • Development of ICO Smart contract.

January, 2019.

  • Private sales begin.

April, 2019.

  • Bounty Program.

May, 2019.

  • Pre-ICO Token Sales.

June, 2019.

  • ICO.

July, 2019.

  • Token Sales Distribution.
  • Exchange listings for trading peer to peer.

September, 2019.

  • Agile engineering and product management began.

October, 2019.

  • MVP for the release of the integrated Blockchain user application.

December, 2019.

  • Launch of the main network / customer and on-boarding business.

January, 2020.

  • Business development and marketing strategies, increased business and customer and value added services.

If you are interested in joining us, or you want to be clearer about all the latest developments in the DAYTA project, you can immediately see from some of the links below :

Rabu, 15 Mei 2019

OOOBTC Project - A Best Platform for Cryptocurrency Exchange.

Welcome to the Project of the Future! (OOOBTC).

Hasil gambar untuk OOOBTC

Initial Introduction.

Hi Reader on the Blogger site. Reuniting with me, in this meeting I will discuss a future currency exchange project that will be the best project in the world. As we know today, Blockchain Technology is growing very rapidly, and has become one of the most advanced and transparent technologies available to humankind today in the world.

With the help of Blockchain Technology, you can make transactions that are transparent and very fast, bypassing banks and other financial institutions. And also thanks to the Blockchain Technology, we can be sure that Blockchain protects our information without giving fraudsters the chance to master our data in any way, or in any way affect them.

At present, there are many projects that use the Blockchain Technology, and Cryptocurrency to base their products. But unfortunately there are a number of projects that are not valuable, or for some reason being applicable. But, for now I have found a very interesting currency exchange project, and I am very sure if this project will be the best in the future! And this project works based on Blockchain Technology and web 3.0. The TOQQN project in my opinion is one of the best in the future market in terms of currency exchange, and will become a very popular Crypto asset, and for some people, they are an integral part of their daily financial life.

This project is named (OOOBTC). Okay, for more details, follow all my notes below.

About the OOOBTC Project.

OOOBTC is the exchange that operates the largest digital asset exchange volume in the world, which can take the opportunity to benefit fully from leading technology quickly and you will build the largest digital asset market ever. An exchange review on the OOOBTC Project also shows that they offer trade access to various Cryptocurrency pairs. The main cryptocurrency listed is, Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Tether (USDT).

This OOOBTC project has taken three steps to secure the funds in your account as you will see below :

  • 1. Cold storage system.
  • 2. 2-factor authentication.
  • 3. Encryption technology.

Based on the right and safe technology, this OOOBTC Project will provide reliable and quality services, which will ensure you to trade OOOBTC money for free without any worries.

See also the video below, about the procedures for working from this OOOBTC project in work :

This review of exchanges on the OOOBTC project will show that in terms of security, they seem to use a combination of two-factor authentication (2FA) and cold wallet storage. In addition, they seem to use encryption technology to protect users' personal and digital asset information. Finally, in the case of users using the wallet application provided by OOOBTC to store Cryptocurrency or digital assets.

The OOOBTC application or wallet also allows users to track transactions and manage funds. It also seems to offer the opportunity to win Cryptocurrency by playing (lucky trading wheel).

The OOOBTC project also supports exchanges or transactions across atomic chains. This allows a convenient and safe exchange of digital assets on various networks or Blockchain. In addition, OOOBTC exchange reviews indicate that they have their own platform token, OOOBTC Token (Ticker symbol: OBX). OBX seems to be an ERC20 token with a total supply of 3 billion tokens.

In addition, it seems that 35% of the healthy ones are dropped at no cost to users in the community. The cassettes used for OBX tokens include voting, value-added services, game center consumption, credit card payments, offline store consumption, charitable donations, paying listing fees and to get dividends.

OOOBTC Trade Display.

Before you choose an exchange, try to have a trade view so you can verify that it feels right to you. Different exchanges have one type of trading outlook. You must decide for yourself which look of buying and selling is best for you. What is usually owned by the view is that they all show order books or at least the order book phase, the cost chart of the selected Cryptocurrency and order history. They generally also have a purchase and sale-box.

Below you can see the display image of buying and selling at the OOOBTC Project :


The OOOBTC Token will function as the driver of our platform and not only applies to our exchanges but will also be used on well-known exchanges. This is the reusable ERC20 token that can be transferred freely on the Blockchain Ethereum, and can be stored in our integrated wallet or wallet that is compatible with ERC20, at the user's discretion.

OBX tokens can be purchased directly on the platform or from markets and external exchanges. To support the OOOBTC exchange project, we will launch various promotional campaigns. The total supply of the original OOOBTC tokens is 3 billion, (3,000,000,000) and no other tokens can be made. (There is no public sale, ICO will not help). OBX tokens are ERC20 standard tokens, and when held on the exchange will enjoy dividends divided by total platform revenue.

The OBX bonus amount is calculated based on the number of assets held at 00:00 every day, and the OOOBTC trading costs at the current hour which are usually distributed at 02:00 UTC (UTC + 8) every day. Usually all users get a bonus within 24 hours. Bonuses will be paid directly to the user's account without the need for manual collection. You must hold at least 1000 OBX to get a bonus and save it for more than 24 hours.

We will make integrated payments for users for the OBX bonus, rest assured and wait for the bonus to arrive at your OOOBTC account. Daily dividends received by users are not fixed numbers, the more OBX you have, the more benefits you will receive.


The end of my note, I want to say that this project has a considerable opportunity to be successful and be the best in the future Cryptocurrency market. This project has a very successful team, and ranks well on various third-party resources, with the help of Blockchain Technology and with Perfect Technology. Let's join us, and was successful together at this OOOBTC project. If you are interested in joining us, or you want to see more clearly all the procedures for the latest development of the OOOBTC project, you can immediately see through the links below :